Most people have heard of virtual reality, but how many have heard of augmented reality? How augmented reality works is by using technology to project or superimpose information—be it sound, text, or images—onto the world we see. Think of the movie Minority Report or what Iron Man sees inside his helmet. Augmented reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image into a user’s view of the real world. TopoBox is a large-scale augmented reality sand table equipped with sensors and lights that read the sand below and project topographic lines, colors, and “water.” The end result is an interactive topographical map that changes as it is physically altered.

How augmented reality works is different from virtual reality. Virtual reality is a completely computer-generated environment for the user to interact with. Augmented reality, on the other hand, enhances the physical reality the user is in—making it better rather than simply replacing it. The technology improves the physical world and offers information and data to the user in real time. The technology has been around since the 1990s in heads up displays in fighter jets and cars, and it continues to evolve to this day.

TopoBox is an extremely engaging projection based augmented reality tool that enthralls children and adults alike by teaching various properties of topography, hydrology, geomorphology, and land management. To use the TopoBox, simply move the sand around and watch it change to the new environment. You can create different geographic formations, from mountains to valleys to river deltas to flood plains, and watch the water collect and flow over various watersheds.

TopoBox is an incredible addition to any exhibit or classroom. Use it to teach Earth Science subjects or simply let participants explore the augmented reality of TopoBox and learn independently. Whether using TopoBox to explain the importance of responsible land and water management in your region or engaging children with the increasingly important sciences of hydrology, geomorphology, and topography in your museum, you’re sure to have an engaged audience. Have any other questions about how augmented reality works? Contact us here at Reactive Digital Systems today!